Dr. Jeff McClosky
Auto Accident Chiropractor in Grand Junction CO
When you’re suffering with painful injuries, Dr. Jeff McCloskey is the auto accident chiropractor who can help.
Dr. Jeff McCloskey has completed extensive post-graduate education in treating auto accident injury victims. He and his specialized team at the Health Institute of Western Colorado make sure you get the care you need to heal. Any necessary referrals to specialists, imaging, and attention to detail with your insurance claim ensures your case is correctly managed from the start.

Dr. McCloskey’s training with the Ligament Injury Institute, Accident Works of America, and the NPAC Council mean that major ligament and neurologic injuries will not go overlooked. Correctly diagnosing these injuries can protect you for years to come, even after you are feeling better. Our detailed exams, reports, and case management help your attorney obtain the best outcome for your case.
Our office staff in Grand Junction are experts at dealing with the insurance billing surrounding motor vehicle accidents. We accept auto accident patients on a lien basis or through other types of insurance arrangements.
Almost all Colorado drivers are covered by “Med Pay,” a part of your auto insurance policy designed to pay for your care resulting from any injuries sustained during a motor vehicle accident. Med Pay care is available to the insured regardless of whether or not you were at fault. Your insurance premiums will not be raised if you file a medical claim. Most policies are covered for $5,000-$25,000 in medical treatments. We are experts at billing these type of claims, usually at no cost to you. We regularly work with Personal Injury attorneys throughout Colorado. Patients may seek Chiropractic care for motor vehicle related claims without a referral from a Primary Care Physician.
Specializing in Auto Accident Injuries
Auto accidents are stressful. We are here to help. Our holistic wellness techniques help you get pain relief, help you heal fast, and help you get the most benefit from your insurance. Dr. Jeff McCloskey is an auto accident chiropractor who specializes in treating the full gamut of auto accident injuries, including whiplash, back and neck pain, lumbar injuries, concussions, and many more.
9 Key questions to ask before selecting a doctor
Accident Works of America
I am a member of a select group of chiropractic doctors expertly trained and certified in cervical and lumbar ligament injuries, concussions and vertebral fractures. I am a contributing author along with several of my peers as we gather at training and collaborate together to create educational material and research for our patients and legal representatives. Impact forces produce complex injury syndromes and our aim is to help patients and plaintiff’s attorneys to better understand the mechanism of the forces that cause injury to the cervical spine and head during impact. For more information look at 9 KEY QUESTIONS TO ASK BEFORE SELECTING A DOCTOR