Holistic Chiropractor in Grand Junction, CO
Our treatments include Chiropractic adjusting (usually through low-force adjusting techniques), but also seek to find the “weakest link” of your body. Your weakest link (usually an organ or gland) is silently stressing your body, draining your health, and may be a hidden cause of your pain. Finding and supporting your weakest link is essential for pain control, optimal functioning and health. If you are searching for a chiropractor for pain control, or if you are ready to maximize your health and prevent future problems before they even show up, holistic chiropractic care from The Health Institute of Western Colorado in Grand Junction is for you.
Holistic Chiropractor
Our goal is to address your weakest link in order to make a profound effect on your health, fast. Most patients report levels of improvement and pain relief much faster than expected. But more than just pain control, we seek to restore your hormonal, immune, digestive and neurological well-being. Regain your health and thrive at a fundamental level. More than just a chiropractor, Dr. Jeff McCloskey and The Health institute of Western Colorado are dedicated to your health.
Conditions that Dr. Jeff McCloskey has successfully helped include:
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Fatigue
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Headaches, Migraine Headaches
- Degenerative Arthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Extremity (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Finger, Hip, Knee, Ankle and Toe) Pain and Dysfunction
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Digestive Complaints (Acid Reflux, Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas, Bloating, Ulcers, Crohn’s Disease, Diverticulitis, Lack of Appetite, Etc.)
- Allergies
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Parkinson’s
- Hormonal Issues (Hot Flashes, Mood Swings, Low Metabolism, Low Energy, Hair Loss, Infertility, Miscarriages)
- Sleep Disorders
- Bell’s Palsy
- Dizziness, Vertigo
- Skin Disorders (Acne, Rashes, Psoriasis, Eczema)
- Numbness, Tingling and Weakness of Hands, Feet
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Meningeal Compression
Dr. McCloskey offers the following services:
- Acupuncture (Learn more)
- Chiropractic (Learn more)
- Kinesiology (Learn more)
In addition to the above mentioned services, we also offer the services mentioned below.
Nutrition Counseling Services
Dr. McCloskey uses your history and symptoms, your physical exam, your lab test results and Applied Kinesiology testing to determine which nutritional supplements your body most needs to address your “weakest link”.
In some cases, your body’s top priority may temporarily be different from the “main issue” or concern we might both expect to find.
That is because your body is an expert at adapting to stress, and will sometimes bury dysfunction and injuries deeper into the nervous system, in order to survive. Our testing allows your body to feedback information on what your nervous system’s top priority is.
Dr. Jeff’s 10 Ways to Stop Inflammation NOW
Specializing in Applied Kinesiology, Nutritional Testing, Neurologic Rehabilitation, Spinal Decompression, Naturopathic Medicine, Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Dr. Michael Lebowitz testing protocol.
Dr. McCloskey learned under the direct training of Applied Kinesiology pioneer Michael Lebowitz, D.C. Dr. Lebowitz’s groundbreaking research into using Applied Kinesiology to assess food allergies, acute and hidden infections and nutritional deficiencies has helped thousands of patients around the world.
Neurologic Rehabilitation
Dr. McCloskey is a Module 1 Intern in Quantum Neurology. His training also includes Dr. Feinberg’s Neuromodulation Technique and extensive training in Clinical Kinesiology and Chiro+Kinesiology (CPK).
He utilizes a variety of techniques that challenge the nervous system to recognize and then correct “glitches” in the brain and nerve connections. These techniques are especially helpful for the correction of headaches, facial tics, tremors and even tooth pain). This technique is also helpful in the correction of shoulder, wrist, hand, hip, knee and ankle pain/sprains and strains, as well as neurologic conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.)
Learn more on our Kinesiology page
Best Chiropractor in Grand Junction!
Dr. Jeff treated me when I was very ill and the doctors were guessing at what antibiotics to throw at my illness, which only made them worse. For two weeks I went through hell and lost almost 20 lbs with no solution in site. I went to Dr. Jeff. He tested me, worked on me, and gave me an herbal supplement. Within two days I was healed completely. Finally getting healthy saved my health and my business so I could support my family. Although he is incredible at adjusting bones he is so much more than that, for me and many people I know. I see him as a professional healer. Isn’t that what doctors do? Or are supposed to do? Heal? I know of at least 10 other people in town that have similar Dr. Jeff success stories. I recommend him to my friends all the time that they get a session from him and try out all his many educated skills. His understanding of the body and ability to communicate it is far more impressive than any doctor I’ve seen. For me I call him my doctor. He not only treats sickness and pain but is also a doctor of wellness and health.